About the Project
What is Decatur Direct?
Decatur Direct is the name for the proposed extension of Ameiplex Parkway. The new road—connecting Ameriplex Parkway to Southport Road—will be just over three miles.
Improving Accessibility
The roadway itself will be attractive, with a median to separate eastbound and westbound lanes. It will create new recreational options—including walking and biking paths—for residents of the area.
Economic Development
While we expect the project to have a positive effect on economic development, most new businesses planning to locate in the area would go through a public approval process.
Project Facts
Everything you need to know about the Decatur Direct project, all in one place. Here are eight project facts to help you understand the need for this road, and its benefits to the community both now and in the future.
Improved Connectivity
Better Accessibility
Economic Promise
0% Tax Increase
Decreased Traffic
Shorter Bus Routes
Faster First Response
Minimal Interruptions
Project Scope and Timeline
Tentatively, the project will take five years to complete, from planning design to final traffic intersections.
Design will begin in 2021, with construction finishing in 2025.
Ameriplex Extension Study
Map of Route Alternatives
Choosing The Best Route
Impact on the Environment
Impact to Home and Property Owners
Economic Expansion and Development
Designing Better Intersections
Pedestrians, Cyclists, and Motorists
School Buses & First Responders
Purchasing Land & Property
Breaking Ground & Staying on Target
Minimal Disruptions to Traffic
News & Updates
Stay up to date on the latest news and progress.
Have Questions or Concerns?
If you have questions about the Decatur Direct project, or concerns about its impact on the community or economy, please don’t hesitate to contact us.
Decatur Direct will extend Ameriplex Parkway from Kentucky Avenue to the intersection of Southport Road and Mann Road.
Project Headquarters
138 N Delaware St
Indianapolis, IN 46204
+1(317) 633-4120
Decatur Direct
What is the timeline?
Discussions have been underway for a decade, while research and planning began in 2017. The remaining design work and land acquisition process is estimated to take about 3.5 years, once the Indianapolis Department of Public Works identifies a method to fund the design work. After design is complete, construction is expected to take 2 years once funded and bid to a contractor.
Why the Extension?
The extension will enhance mobility in Decatur Township and throughout the south side of Indianapolis.
What are the benefits?
The connectivity will improve traffic routes across southern Marion County, with improvements for the community both now and in the future.
In 2017, the City of Indianapolis commissioned a study to assess and identify the best routes to establish a proposed connection between Ameriplex Parkway and Southport Road.
The objective of this study was to determine a route that could improve east-west connectivity and provide traffic congestion relief across southern Marion County. Out of three proposed routes, one has been identified as the preferred alignment, which provides the most viable route considering the impact to residents and the environment. Public involvement and feedback will be considered prior to finalizing the alignment of the proposed Decatur Direct Roadway.
The 3-mile extension of the parkway will provide a new, modern roadway with bicycle lanes and walking paths.
The long-term impact for the Decatur community could bring new economic development to the area. While zoning is a separate process, any new business that plans to open in the area would go through a public approval process, allowing both new and long-time residents to have a say in the development of the community.
Miles of Roadway
Daily Vehicles
Estimated Cost
Tax Increase
Improving the future of Decatur Township
The project will have a positive effect on economic development, and most new businesses planning to locate in the area would go through a public approval process.
The Decatur Direct project includes three phrases: 1) Research and Planning, 2) Design, and 3) Construction. Research and Planning began with a study in 2017 commissioned by the City of Indianapolis, and design is slated to begin in 2021.
Decatur Direct is the name for the proposed extension of Ameriplex Parkway. The new road will extend Ameriplex Parkway from Kentucky Avenue to the intersection of Southport Road and Mann Road, improving east-west connectivity across the southern part of Marion County.
The cost estimates for the preferred plan, Alternative 3, range from $31.5 million to $33.1 million. Cost estimates for the other two options range from $33.7 million to $41.3 million. Taxpayers will not see an increase, however, as the project will be funded by previously allocated transportation funds.
News and Updates
Visit our news center to stay up to date on the latest Decatur Direct news and project updates.
Have questions about how the proposed project will impact you and your community? Contact us or see the FAQs.
Contact Us
Contact us using the form below and we'll get back to you as quickly as possible.
Public Forum Meeting: 1
Tuesday, February 18 at 6p
Decatur Central High School Cafeteria
Decatur Direct provides a continuous east-west thoroughfare across southern Marion County.
DLZ Indianapolis Office
138 N Delaware St,
Indianapolis, IN 46204
Contact Us
+1(317) 633-4120